Disabled Adaptations
- With adaptation works, which includes extension and/or alteration works, the conditions for Extensions (above) are applicable. These are usually exempt from Planning Permission (if required) and Building Regulations Approval fees.
- Should internal alterations such as changing bathrooms into level access/wet area shower room, low level kitchens and change of use of room(s) be required we would be happy to advise on the suitable layout and construction works and produce the relevant drawings/specifications. These proposed works, in most cases, do not require either Planning Approval and Building Regulations Approval. Drawings and specifications £150 plus V.A.T. This includes all initial on – site surveys and paper copies. Also this includes a draft copy of your proposed works to make sure we have interpreted what you want correctly before completing the final design drawings. Initial plans are drawn up typically within 5-10 days.
- Proposed ramps do require Planning Approval and/or Building Regulations Approval, however, are, in most cases, exempt from fee charges.
Disabled Access Audits and Statements
Examining the accessibility of services and facilities. Identifying where physical barriers may compromise access to services by assessing the feature against predetermined criteria. Measuring the ‘usability’ of facilities within a building and the services being delivered in it.
Access Audit and Statement from £150 plus V.A.T. – to be agreed prior to audit commencing.